

NetSuite Inventory Management Features Enhancement

NetSuite includes the following enhancement to Inventory Management features.

    NetSuite WMS

  • Composite Bar Codes
  • Support for Inventory Status
  • Support for Intercompany Cross-Subsidiary Fulfillment
  • Item Substitution on Sales Orders

Composite Bar Codes
We can now enter item information automatically by scanning linear and 2D composite bar codes, eliminating manual entry. This support enables us to reuse supplier bar codes and drive internal processes by printing and scanning these bar codes. First create a composite bar code template for each of your items. The template configures components such as the item number, UOM, lot number, and expiry date. Then, when we process items using mobile devices, we can scan composite bar codes to input the information configured in the bar code template. Composite bar code components have a fixed length. If we configure an itemโ€™s index length as 14 characters and item data is less than 14 characters, padding characters are added to reach the fixed length.
We can scan composite bar codes for the following processes using mobile devices:

  • Bin Transfer
  • Counting
  • Inventory Transfer
  • Picking
  • Putaway
  • Receiving
  • Replenishment

If we have configured a composite bar code for an item, the bar code appears on a pallet label, when we print it during the receiving process. We can also configure custom bar code components and map them to specific mobile device screens.

Support for Inventory Status
We can now use mobile devices to change the status associated with an item. A new Inventory Status Change icon appears on the mobile device Inventory screen.

Support for Intercompany Cross-Subsidiary Fulfillment
NetSuite WMS now supports the Intercompany Cross-Subsidiary Fulfillment feature for NetSuite OneWorld. The following processes support the fulfillment of orders and returns from different originating subsidiaries:

  • Inbound returns
  • Inbound reversals
  • Posting item receipts
  • Single-order picking
  • Single-order picking with a pick list
  • Multi-order picking
  • Pick reversals
  • Posting item fulfillment records for partially-picked orders
  • Packing
  • Quick Ship

Item Substitution on Sales Orders
With the Item Substitution feature, we can add substitute items for supported item types directly on the item record. During the sales order entry process, we can then review available substitute items on the sales order record. This enables us to address inventory shortage during the sales process.

In-Transit Payments
The In-Transit Payments feature enables us to track when payments to vendors are in process. We can use this feature for real-time information about ledger balances for Cash and Accounts Payable. First, enter an in-transit vendor payment to initiate the payment. This in-transit vendor payment begins the payment process but does not post to the general ledger. Payments that are in-transit can be monitored and updated when the payment is confirmed or declined by the vendor bank. When we receive confirmation that the vendor’s bank has received the funds, confirm the payment is complete. Payments can be confirmed and cleared at the same time. This process enables you to more accurately track the actual date vendors receive payments and allows more accurate tracking of accounts payable funds in your general ledger. Specific bank account balances show in the general ledger and the accounts payable balance is debited only after payment confirmation is received from the vendorโ€™s bank. Outstanding in-transit balances are visible on vendor records.
